Coach supervision
Mentor coaching
Cultivating a coaching mindset

Coach Supervision
Some feedback
Thanks again for the 10-session coaching supervision! You offered me a valuable safe space to reflect on my work as a coach at a time when I took on the challenge of working with a new population. I felt supported and encouraged in our sessions. Your questions and observations helped me generate insights, increased my confidence, and benefited my work with my clients. Mei Huang, M.Ed., Advanced Certified Executive Coach, New Brunswick
Brian is a skillful and compassionate coach supervisor. His ability to help me reflect on my practice has helped me grow in self-awareness, competence and my identity as a coach. I would encourage you to work with Brian if you want to deepen your coaching presence. Kathryn MacNaughton PhD, CEC, ACC
The spaciousness of my super vision with Brian, and his great sensitivity to what was emerging in me, enabled me to find new territory in my Self, and in my work with clients. I really valued our work together. Fi Macmillan
I describe Coach supervision as ‘a time out’ for exploring your coaching experience to gain deeper understanding of ‘what is going on’ in the inter-relationships of client, coach, organization and the world we live in.
​As a Coach supervisor my goal is to partner with you to reflect on your coaching practice.
Our work together will explore your coaching mindset, deepen your self-awareness, and connect you to your coaching presence.
​We talk about you as a coach who brings your entire self to each conversation. While this could involve uncovering limitations, biases or blind spots that unconsciously influence how you are relating to your client; it will also affirm and expand your strengths as a coach.
Coach supervision is recognized by the International Coach Federation for up to 10 Continuing Education Credits per credential certification renewal cycle.
Individual Coach supervision is available at any time. Groups are initiated each Fall and Winter.
​Coach supervision and Mentor Coaching are not the same: mentor coaching focuses on your demonstration of the ICF Coaching Competencies; Coach supervision focuses on you as a person in relationship with your client and their world.
Lets explore the possibilities 902.221.5864
Individual Mentor Coaching
My goal as a Mentor Coach is to engage you in practice and reflection to stretch your capacity to engage your clients in deep meaningful dialogue.
​My approach to Mentor Coaching is grounded in the value of a trusted, confidential and dynamic relationship that enhances your capability as a coach.
Outcomes for you
Documented Mentor Coaching hours for your ICF Certification requirements at the ACC and PCC levels.
Feedback targeted to move you to the next ICF competency level.
Developmental feedback to encourage and impact your emerging excellence as a coach.
Collaboration to develop action plans to enhance your coaching capability.
​This is how I Mentor:
​Start by creating a safe, confidential space to explore your coaching competency
Listen and observe your coaching.
Engage in reflective dialogue with you about your experience of yourself as a coach.
Document and deliver observations of how your coaching excellence aligns with the ICF Coaching Competencies.
Create a relationship of active growth and collaborative learning that will propel your coaching to the next level.
Mentor Coaching with me is specifically designed for Coaches who:​
Wish to be aligned with the ICF PCC Markers
Are commitment to becoming exceptional in the art of coaching.
Care about the relationships they have with their clients.
Are willing to engage in dialogue about their seen and unseen coaching behaviour including their subtle biases.
Are ready to listen, discover and act on the challenges arising from our mentoring conversations.
Want to develop their ‘internal mentor’ to become more observant of their real time coaching competence.
Are prepared to invest in their coaching practice.
Lets explore the possibilities 902.221.5864
​Group Mentor Coaching Beginning September 24, 2024 12 noon AST
Partnering with Gail Boone CEC, PCC
A community building approach to supporting coaching competence designed to meet the ICF Mentor Coaching Requirements
The ICF requires that all applicants for credential (ACC, PCC) have 10 hours of mentor coaching. Applicants renewing their ACC must have an additional 10 hours of mentor coaching.
Mentor Coaching should take place over an extended time (three-month minimum) in a cycle that allows for listening and feedback from the Mentor Coach while also allowing reflection and practice. It must be completed before the applicate date for the credential or renewal.
At least three of the hours must be individual mentor coaching. Up to seven hours can be completed in a group coaching arrangement.
The credential application requires information about the mentor coach, and the timeframe and number of hours of the of the mentor coaching.
What is in it for you?
Group mentor coaching sessions that will include 4 opportunities to focus on your coaching with feedback documented by our team for your file and credential renewal application.
Three individual mentor coaching sessions with each documented by our team for your file and credential renewal application.
A focused experience with a maximum of 10 participants.
A safe community coaching experience, that offers a unique opportunity to dive into the core competencies for deeper understanding and sharpening your skill.
Growing your coaching peer community.
Learning Objectives
Gain insight into your coaching capability, competence and practice.
Experience the richness of collaborative feedback with colleagues identifying your coaching brilliance.
Meet mentor coaching requirements for new and ICF renewal applications.
Participant Feedback
​Brian and Gail, the perfect combination of mentor coaches, offer both a supportive, safe space while also providing insightful, up to date (with ICF) comments and feedback to help you develop and take your coaching to the next level. They truly appreciate each person's individual approach and cater to your style while also ensuring ICF best practice. I consider their support now part of my developmental toolkit to make my coaching even more impactful now and into the future. Thank you for your big hearts, savvy insights and encouraging and supportive feedback. Heather Peters, MER, ACC, IPMA‑CP Impact Coaching and Consulting
Lets explore the possibilities 902.221.5864