Core Competency and Mentor Coaching Weekend
Dates June 2 and 3, 2023
9 am – 4:30 pm
36 Stage Road, Enfield, NS
We are pleased to invite you to engage in a unique collaborative learning experience with a community of coaches who are ready to explore coaching presence in a new way.
This will be a weekend of curious, safe, experiential learning to creatively generate new coaching capacities. Our approach is rooted in our understanding of coaching competence as an evolving process of deepening our coaching presence. To meet clients with our whole beings, we must be aware of our emotions, bodies and thoughts.
This is not about ‘performing’ competencies. It is about ‘being’ in the experience of openness and immediate feedback as we practice new approaches engaging in the parallel relationship of client and coach. In this experience of being with other sentient beings, deeper self-awareness and capacity will emerge.
Here are the details. Please contact us if you need more information:
Gail Boone CEC PCC: 902.497.8650
Brian Duggan CEC PCC: 902.221.5864
Approved for ICF CCE’s and Mentor Coaching (total 17.5) CPHRNS CPDs (14.5)
Coaches you CHOOSE the option depending on what you need…. a total of 17.5 CCE’s have been approved by ICF
Here are the maximums - the total is 17.5 with a combination of these:
CORE CCE's Maximum 11.5
Resource CCE's Maximum 6
Group Mentor Coaching Hours Maximum 7
Learning Objectives
Deepen your awareness of your coaching presence and what you bring to the coaching relationship
Explore the power of non-verbal communication, emotion, and the exploration of the heart’s electromagnetic field as it affects the coaching relationship
Develop deeper awareness of how you coach and identify core competencies growth areas
Deepen awareness and capacity to coach with ontological and presence-based lenses
Friday and Saturday: 9:00 to 4:30 each day
Large Group Sessions
Growing Our Self Awareness
Emotions as Information
Deepening our Listening and Reflective Questioning
Coaching Demonstrations and Mentor Coaching Feedback
Small Group Sessions
Equine Facilitated Coaching
Exploring Boundaries
Energy Field and Congruence
Ontological Coaching
What is in it for you?
The weekend is ICF approved for 11.5 Core Competency CCE hours and 6 Resource Development CCE hours
Mentor Coaching Sessions with each participant all documented by our team for your file and credential renewal application.
A focused experience with a maximum of 8 participants.
A safe community coaching experience, that offers a unique opportunity to: discover coaching presence in new depth; expand your coaching capacity; learn new coaching approaches and focus on becoming more fully present.
A unique, fun, focused collaborative experience that will expand your coaching community.
Professional fees
Two-day Core Competency and Mentor Coaching Weekend including a total of 17.5 hours to be used either as CORE, Resource or Mentor Coaching. Includes all materials. Beverages and snacks included. Please make sure to being a lunch for each day that fits your unique dietary requirements.
Early Bird Registration 1150.00 plus HST per participant.
Early Bird must be registered and 25% (non-refundable deposit) paid before May 1, 2023
Full Registration 1275.00 plus HST per participant please register with 25% (non-refundable deposit) before May 15, 2023
To Register @ or
We will respond with a Pre-workshop Questionnaire and the Payment / Cancellation Policy.

Gail is a natural coach and facilitator. She brings integrity, curiosity, passion and compassion to her work to create opportunities where people can courageously discover and live their best self whether that be through coaching, leadership and organizational development, or equine facilitated learning and coaching. She has extensive experience coaching executives and other leaders in the public, private and not for profit sectors.
Gail is a Mentor Coach who has supported students to develop their professional capacity and continues to work with coaching colleagues invested in growing their coaching competence.
She is a life-long learner and has completed the Royal Roads University Graduate Certificates in Executive Coaching and Mentor Coaching. Gail has completed two advanced equine facilitated coaching programs one from the Academy of Coaching with Horses and the other from EponaQuest Worldwide. She is a PCC and member of the International Coach Federation.
A seasoned Coach, Brian brings a high level of presence, focus, curiosity, and compassion to supporting leaders at all levels to find solutions to management and leadership issues. Brian’s approach is person centered, strategic, solution focused and respectful of cultures, diversity and both organization and employee objectives. His extensive experience coaching Executives and other leaders in the private and public sectors has resulted in leadership and career development for emerging leaders and with those who desire to achieve greater career growth.
Brian is a Mentor Coach and Accredited Coach Supervisor who has supported experienced coaches and coaching students to develop new coaching capacity and engaged with experienced coaches as they deepen their coaching capacity.
A life-long learner and has completed the Royal Roads University Graduate Certificates in Executive Coaching and Advanced Coaching Practices. Brian is currently completing the Royal Roads Master’s Degree in Executive and Organizational Coaching. He is a Certified Cultural Intelligence Facilitator; certified to use The Leadership Circle and Insights Discovery as well as several other personality and team assessments. He is a member of the International Coach Federation and the Coaching Supervision Academy. He published Coaching from the Inside Out: A personal approach to coaching for change in 2019.